People & Contacts
People & Contacts
Current Lab Members from RU web
Prior Collaborators:
•Alexandre Morozov, postdoc, Rutgers Physics Faculty, BioMaps
•Gilles Charvin, postdoc (with Fred Cross also), CNRS, Faculty Ecole Normale Sup. Lyon
•Jan Skotheim, postdoc (with Fred Cross also), Stanford Bio Faculty
•Stefano Di Talia, student (with Fred Cross also), Princeton Bio, Postdoc
•Michael Mwangi, student, Rockefeller, Postdoc with Prof. A. Tomasz
•Jamie Bean, student (with Fred Cross), research job with Pharma
•Rahul Siddharthan, postdoc, Faculty, Inst. Math. Sci., Chennai
•Erik van Nimwegen, RU fellow, Faculty, Biozentrum, Basel
•Martin Ligr, postdoc (with Fred Cross also)
•Saurabh Sinha, postdoc, Faculty Computer Science, U Ill
•Eldon Emberly, postdoc, Faculty, Physics SFU
•Nikolas Rajewsky, postdoc, Faculty, Max Delbruck Center, Berlin
•Peter Swain, postdoc, Faculty, Systems Biology, Edinburgh
•Hao Li, RU fellow, Faculty, Biochemistry, UCSF
•Harmen Bussemaker, postdoc, Faculty, Biology Columbia
•Nicholas Socci, postdoc, Sloan Kettering in Comp Bio
•Herve Isambert, postdoc, Faculty, Institute Curie, Paris
•John Marko, postdoc RU fellow, Faculty Biology&Physics Northwestern
•Tom Chou, postdoc, Faculty BioMathematics, UCLA
Younger people with whom I feel I have had a meaningful interaction are listed in reverse chronological order, with their positions at the time we worked together and their current location. Only biology is represented which includes everyone post 1995
siggiae @ my university in NYC
Dept of Physics Center for Studies in Physics and Biology
523 Clark Hall Box 25
Cornell University Rockefeller University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2501 1230 York Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10065-6399
607 255 4669 212 327 8546
FAX 607 255 6428 FAX 212 327 8544