


  1. 1. "Bending and Twisting Elasticity of DNA", J. Marko and E.D. Siggia, Macromolecules, 27, 981 (1994)

  2. 2."Fluctuations and Supercoiling of DNA", J.F. Marko and E.D. Siggia, Science, 265, 506-508 (1994).

  3. 3."Entropy Elasticity of Lambda-Phage DNA", C. Bustamante, J.F. Marko, E.D. Siggia, and S. Smith, Science, (technical comment) 265, 1599 (1994).

  4. 4."Statistical Mechanics of Supercoiled DNA", J.F. Marko and E.D.Siggia, Phys. Rev. E, 52, 2912 (1995).

  5. 5."Physical Limits on the Mechanical Measurements of the Secondary Structure of Bio-molecules", R. Thompson and E.D. Siggia, Europhysics Letters, 31, 335 (1995).

  6. 6."Stretching DNA", J. Marko and E.D. Siggia, Macromolecules,28, 8759 (1995).

  7. 7."Electrostatics of Lipid Bilayer Bending", T. Chou, M.Jaric, and E.D. Siggia, Biophys. J. 72 2042 1997.

  8. 8. “Driving Proteins off DNA Using Applied Tension", J. F. Marko and E.D. Siggia, Biophysical Journal, 73, 2173-2178 1997.

  9. 9."Polymer Models of Meiotic and Mitotic Chromosomes", J. Marko and E.D. Siggia, Mol. Bio. Cell. 8, 2217-2231 1997.

  10. 10."Modeling RNA Folding Paths With Pseudoknots:Application to Hepatitis Delta Virus Ribozyme" H. Isambert and E.D. Siggia, Proc Natl Acad Sci (US) 97, 6515-6520 (2000).

  11. 11."Diffusion in a Inhomogeneous Media: Theory and Simulations applied to whole cell photobleach recovery", E.D. Siggia, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, S. Bekiranov, Biophysical J. 79, 1761-70 (2000).

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